We use "Thinkst Canary" and we would like to send Alerts to Red Canary.
Red Canary + Thinkst Canary
- Login to your Red Canary
- Click on "Integrations" on the left-side menu bar
- On the Integrations page, type "Canary Tools" in the search bar and select the "Canary Tools" Alert Source.
- As soon as the new Alert Source is created you should automatically be taken into the Canary Tools configuration page.
- Click on "Ingest Format" field and select "Canary Tools via Email"
- NOTE: If you see the message: "The ingest email address for this alert source is still being set up..." just click "Save Configuration" on the top right of the page. You should now see the newly generated Red Canary email address.
- Once you see the newly generated Red Canary email address, you will need to copy this for use when you are configuring your Thinkst Canary "Canary Tools."
- Make sure you activate the Alert Source by clicking on the "Activate it to begin processing alerts" link.
- Now login to your Thinkst Canary and click on the settings gear at the top right of the page. Select "User Management."
- Next, click on the "Add User" icon, and enter the Red Canary email address in the "User email" field, then select "Regular user," enter a description in the "User note" section, and then click "Create User."
- Next, add the new User to your Flocks
- Click on the gear icon on the top left of the Thinkst Canary settings page, go to Global Settings.
- In Global Settings, add the Red Canary User to your Email Notifications.
- You can use one of your Canary Tokens to generate some Alerts to confirm that the Alert Source is working in Red Canary.
- You can generate a QR Code to use as a test campaign, or you can simply trip one of your Canaries to generate some alerts.
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